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USAC, Universal Service Fund and FCC Enforcement: Why Implementing an Effective Compliance Risk Management Program is Essential in the "Post Network Neutrality" World

Sponsored By: TeleStrategies and Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group

April 16, 2015: Online Webinar

TIME: 2:00 PM New York Time, Eastern USA Time (New York, GMT -04:00), 15:00 GMT

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About the webinar:

Having previously signaled its intent to increase Universal Service Fund ("USF") disbursements to cover Broadband services to the tune of nearly $2 billion dollars, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") recently extended certain Title II regulations to Broadband services through its Net Neutrality Rules. The FCC confirmed that it will NOT extend Section 254's USF contribution obligations to Broadband services (at this time). Together, the anticipated expansion of USF funding recipients and the exclusion of Broadband revenue from the contribution base, are certain to ratchet up the pressure on USAC and the FCC's Enforcement Bureau - to squeeze as much revenue from the current scope of USF contribution-eligible services as possible. This dynamic will set the stage for increased contributor audits and FCC enforcement, putting the FCC's USF Strike Force to the test and opening the door for the new Enforcement Bureau Chief to reinforce his position as the New Sheriff in Town!

The expert Telecom Lawyers at Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group, will address these growing areas of concern at the Federal Level in a 1-hour Webinar, hosted by TeleStrategies. These experienced attorneys will not only fill you in on FCC developments, they will identify practical solutions to help achieve cost effective federal, state and local regulatory and communications tax compliance for service providers of all sizes.

As an added bonus, to address specific concerns, The CommLaw Group has graciously invited audience questions in advance of the webinar. Please submit your issues in advance via :, or by email to: [email protected] (All requests for questions to be considered confidential and/or anonymous will be honored).

Presented By:

Jonathan S. Marashlian – Managing Partner, Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group
Michael P. Donahue – Partner, Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group
Jackie R. Hankins – Senior Associate, Marashlian & Donahue, LLC, The CommLaw Group

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